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ENGL - Verner Beckett: Find Literary Criticism

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Where to find articles of literary criticism

How to find books and e-books containing literary criticism

Try searching the library catalog in one of the following ways for criticism on a particular work or author.

  • Perform a keyword search: Author's name (last name, first name) + criticism and interpretation
  • Perform a subject search: Title of the work you are researching
    • Example: Tale of two cities (you can leave off the articles -- a, an, the -- when searching the catalog)

To limit your search to e-books, use the format button under the search fields to limit your search to e-books:

Image of library catalog search fields and format limiter button

To research a theme in literature, try searching by:

Literary journals from Lee College library

Literary terms

E-books that explain literary terms:

Here are some websites that offer definitions of literary terms: