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ENGL 1301 - Dia Samuel: Find Articles

Off-campus access to electronic materials

If you are using an off-campus computer, use your MyLC login and password to access electronic resources.

Tutorials: how to find articles using the library databases


Gale PowerSearch allows you to search most of the library's resources simultaneously.  Because you are looking through a huge number of resources all at one time (literally millions of articles!), your search will probably have to be very specific in order to find usable articles.

Access OneSearch either:

This is where your background research comes in.  Unless your topic is very specific, you will most likely need to search using the mutiple terms, such as:

[Title of Movie] + [Director's name] --> The Farewell and Lulu Wang

[Topic] + [Time period, geographic location] --> Ethics  and Ancient Greece

Alternatively, you can use the limiters on the OneSearch search page to narrow your search.  Example: 

[Your Topic] + [use E-books as a limiter] --> Hermeneutics + [now choose "ebooks" from the Source Type menu]

Important databases outside of PowerSearch