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Library Disaster Plan: Fire

This plan spells provides all the steps to take an the case of a disaster and provides information on who to contact.

Emergency Procedures

1.7.2  Fire

These instructions cover cases of fire (or activation of the fire detection system) in your building.

  1. If you see fire or smell smoke try to put it out with an available fire extinguisher.  See where these are located in Appendix T (the library fire map).
  2. If you can’t put the fire out immediately, then call 911, evacuate the library, and activate the fire alarm as you are leaving the building (see Appendix T for locations).
    1. Give them your name and location of the fire, i.e., Lee College ATC 1st floor, etc…

3.  If it is safe to do so, determine the location and source of the fire. Check the fire alarm annunciator panel in the ATC foyer to see if the fire detection or suppression system has been activated.

4. Notify Security at extension 6888 or 9-281-425-6888, who will sound the building alarm and coordinate necessary evacuation procedures. If the 6888 extension becomes inactive, dial (281) 683-1449 to contact security.

5.  Be available when the Fire Department arrives to describe where the fire is located in the building.

6.  Evacuate the building by escorting patrons to Parking Lot #1 (See Appendix T).

7.  Stay out of the fire fighters’ way.

8.  Try to account for all occupants of the building. The firefighters will need to know how many people may still be inside.

9.  If you can extinguish the fire, notify Security at extension 6888 or 9-281-425-6888 and advise them where the fire occurred

Fire Department –




281-422-2311 after hours: 281-427-8512


A.2  Fire Protection Systems

Fire alarm pull boxes


Fire alarm pull box



They are by the fire exit doors on the side of the ATC and in the back fire exit.


Fire extinguishers


Type of extinguisher


Date of last inspection


Outside of the men’s restroom, by the fire door outside of Study Room 128, and by the windows and behind the Writing Center Desk




Appendix T: Fire Prevention Map of the Library