Film reviews are usually short articles published around the time of the film's release. Their purpose is to provide an evaluation of the film's merit. Reviews may also contain limited production information about the film.
Note that most databases will allow you to limit your searches by document type to "Film Reviews" or "Reviews."
Print books may be your best source for original reviews of films released before about 1994. Remember to check publication dates of the materials to gauge whether the film you are researching may be included.
Try the following subject searches in the Lee College Library catalog:
These websites are available on the open internet. Be aware that some of the content you find on these sites may be hidden behind a pay wall. Like all research sources, evaluate each one for accuracy and pay attention to publication dates.
For movies released before the mid-1990's, your best bet for finding initial reviews may be the library's print periodical collection.
SOME of the reviews may be indexed in The Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature.
If you CAN'T find any reviews of your movie by title in the Periodical Guide, you may have to browse issues of magazines that published movie reviews at the time your movie was released.
Following is a list of journals that may be helpful (and are owned by the library):
Major Movie Stars - Charlie Chaplin - 1924. Photography. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. Accessed 28 Jan 2019.
INTERMISSION SLIDE. American silent movie.. Photograph. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 31 Aug 2017. Accessed 28 Jan 2019.