For if liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost. -- Aristotle, Politics, Bk 4
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Keep these tips in mind:
Don't be afraid to start with books or e-books -- you don't HAVE to read the entire book! Use the index in the back of the book to locate where the book addresses your paper topic!
Find books & e-books using the Lee College Library Catalog:
This is where your background research comes in. Unless your topic is very specific, you will most likely need to search using the multiple terms, such as:
[Topic] + [Time period, geographic location] --> Firearms AND 19th century AND Texas
Alternatively, you can use the limiters on the OneSearch search page to narrow your search. Example:
[Your Topic] + [use E-books as a limiter] --> Republic of Texas + [now go down the search page until you find the fields to enter dates, then check the box by "ebooks"]