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Academic Honesty & ChatGPT : SWOT Analysis of ChatGPT

ChatGPT's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats


  • Generate lists of bibliographic references
  • Tutor students by defining terms and explaining difficult concepts
  • Solve math problems & debug programs step by step
  • Provide first drafts of course syllabi
  • Identify scholarly debates on a particular topic and explore subjects through differing theoretical lenses
  • Model clearly organized descriptive and argumentative writing on particular topics.


  • Only as current as 2021
  • Will make things up like George Santos
  • Does not cite its sources, but it soon will
  • Is free now, but won’t always be, but others will be out there to replace it.
  • Educate students on its weaknesses (Wikipedia & AI literacy)
  •  Statistical predictors of word sequences, no understanding behind their outputs
  • Using AI is not thinking
  • No emphasis on voice, language diversity, originality and rhetorical thinking.
  • Usually no opinion or conclusion is rendered in the results – Summary A, summary B, then depends on a variety of factors and is up to the individual.
  • The strength of its responses diminishes rapidly after only a couple of paragraphs.
  • It can’t rank sites for reliability, quality or trustworthiness.
  • It can’t do the following:
  • Write a self-reflection
  • Write about anything after 2021
  • Provide non-text based responses
  • Make predictions about future events
  • Browse or summarize content from the Internet
  • Draw connections between class content and visual materials.


  • How can we use these tools to enhance teaching?
  • When to use AI and when not to?
  • How can AI help us achieve or SLO differently?
  • Is ChatGPT like slide rules or calculators in math?
  • Give students an assignment to purposefully cheat on their final papers to see what they think of it.
  • How can we deploy AI writing protocols ethically within our curricula?  Can it help under-prepared students?
  • Teach students how to fact check everything
  • Teach students how to cite AI in the future.
  • Have ChatGPT mine proprietary databases not stuff on the Internet.
  • Students develop necessary skills to work with AI in the future:
    • Know what questions to ask.
    • Go beyond crowdsourced knowledge, by being able to catch the AI mistakes
    • Leverage AI generated insights into decisions and actions. 

Threats & Solutions

  • Could be considered as cheating
  • Return to in class essays
  • Use plagiarism detectors that can catch it
  • Use AI as a critical thinking lesson.  Have the students analyze what ChatGPT got wrong in the areas of logic, consistency, accuracy, and bias. 
  • Prepare student writers to consider benefits & disadvantages of these tools.