Employees and students may contact the IT Department for assistance with:
Contact information:
Includes these and other programs:
Through your Lee College Subscription to MS Office 365, you can access these programs through the cloud and install them on up to 2 desktop computers in addition to your workstation on campus. To install them on a workstation, use the link on the IT website.
Students also have access to Office 365 through the school.
Includes these and other programs:
Contact the IT Helpdesk for activation information.
Current faculty are eligible to borrow a headset and/or webcam for online work activities. They are available at the library.
Please refer students who need access to a loaner laptop to the Student Resources Guide for instructions.
Image credit: Computer. Photographer. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. quest.eb.com/search/115_2748017/1/115_2748017/cite. Accessed 5 Mar 2021.